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The Doula Fund: It Takes a Village

The Doula Fund: It Takes a Village


If you've ever had the opportunity to witness the process of childbirth, it is certainly a unique experience. It can be an empowering moment for someone who is well prepared and fortunate enough to have a  support system in place. But it can also be difficult moment if a family isn't emotionally, physically or mentally prepared.  In situations like this, a well trained and certified Doula can make a world of difference.

But What's A Doula?

Doulas are highly trained, non-medical, professionals who can provide physical assistance and emotional support to labouring mothers and their families. The word 'Doula' comes from the Greek 'δοῦλος' (doulos) which means servant-woman. A Doula will serve her clients with a vast array of creative and individualized care, be it childbirth preparedness, teaching comfort measures, breastfeeding support, or postpartum support. They provide reassurance and companionship, comfort and encouragement.  Through continued education, they bring a wealth of knowledge and skill in an effort to enhance the overall experience surrounding childbirth for all involved.

That's Great! Doulas For Everyone!

We agree! Doulas are great and offer an invaluable service. Sadly though, doulas are not covered by Provincial health insurance or most private insurers. This means clients pay for a doula out of pocket. The average doula will take no more than two clients in a given month. This is primarily due to the unpredictability of due dates and labour in general. The fact that doulas are trying to make a well-deserved living at their jobs means that their prices are often set out of the reach of many pregnant women who may want or even need their services. Many of these women are young and economically or socially disadvantaged. They need the support of a doula more than most because they are alone and don't have the means to pay for the services of a doula themselves.

Enter The Doula Fund

This is why The Doula Fund was created. Thanks to your generous donations and support, we are able to provide doula care to these same socially and economically disadvantaged women by providing the funding for their doulas. Every doula deserves to earn a living and every woman who wants a doula should have access to one  We’re hoping that by working together we can make that happen!

How You Can Help

We raise these funds through sales of TDF merchandise, one time donations, and monthly contributions. Through your support, we will be able to help women and families all over the Niagara region and, in time hopefully, beyond!

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COVID-19 And The Doula Fund

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