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The Doula Fund: Looking for Doulas

The Doula Fund: Looking for Doulas

The Doula Fund exists to provide doula care to the moms, and moms-to-be who need it most. We serve primarily young and teen moms who have no other means of support and can't, on their own, afford a doula. We do this thanks only to our generous donors who support us and our mission.

There is another group of people who are instrumental to our mission: Doulas! 

It seems simple, but the Doula Fund can't do its work without doulas who want to work with us! So, if YOU or someone you know is a doula in the Niagara Region, we'd love to hear from and work with you to provide doula care to some of the most vulnerable clients you'll work with. Please take a moment to fill out THIS FORM so we can get to know you and start the conversation.

(If you're a mom or mom-to-be who need support, please apply using this form)

We look forward to a world where every woman who wants a doula can have a doula, we can't do it without you!

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COVID-19 And The Doula Fund

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The Doula Fund and LoyaltyFunding

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